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Item: The Incredible Beauty Box

Il Viaggio di Steve's - PT. 8 "la scatola che si trasforma in vaso"

The Incredible Beauty Box

Hi Steve's!

Today we went to Lecco to look for the best packaging to keep you safe and let you rest well protected.

We were thinking of something resistant so as not to damage you, but above all of something that could last over time. You know... we said to each other, why do we always have to bother throwing things away? Everyone throws out their shoeboxes, that's the general rule. But isn't that an incredible waste? So we just said this to each other: your box will be a very comfortable bed for you but it can also become a fantastic object for those who have bought you!
Steve's...that's a great idea!!!

So here's what we've been working on. To a recycled steel packaging from the Italian consortium where you won't get wet or ruined for anything in the world. And then we want... but we'll tell you about this later.
In the meantime, let's go to this box factory because it really seems like it's right for us. Just tailored for you!

And here's what it is. There is that we have a second wonderful purpose for those who buy you. Certain! That's right: we will make both you and your buyer happy, in a completely natural, perfectly green way.
Listen: when the box will no longer serve to protect you (because they will have bought you). that same box will transform. Ta-Daaaam! It WILL TRANSFORM Steve's, yup! Isn't that a great idea?

What? As? Oh yeah, yeah, sorry. What will it turn into?
It will become a beautiful vase for growing seedlings that will fill the houses with colors and scents! And that's not enough Steve's, the seeds will be with you in the box. All you have to do is open the packet of soil, turn it inside out, cut the brochure with the seeds, water it and... let's go, everything green, beautiful, useful, functional, funny, creative, wonderful because... it's about you Steve's and whoever buys you.
And we want the world to become a better place thanks to you!

But there's a problem Steve's... ouch ouch... Will we be able to airbrush this newly designed box with that elegance, with that style that can tell the whole world that if you, Steve's, that shoe? So that everyone will be able to recognize you from the first glance at the box? And that airbrushing itself is eco-sustainable like all your nature?
But there's another problem Steve's: won't you feel cold and too dark in the box?
But there's still a new Steve's problem: will the box really be used as a vase?
And here are the solutions.

We are working on the first problem and we will find a way to make you recognized. The answer to the second problem is simple: you won't be inside the box for very long because... everyone will want to buy you right away! And finally... certainly the box will be used as a vase, but there will be many other fantastic solutions to use your box in a useful and alternative way!! We can't wait to share them with everyone!!

And that's all for today too,
Hi Steve's
See you next time!
Julia and Philip

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